Saturday, July 12, 2008

Work..or no work I guess :s

I can't believe I leave 5 weeks from TODAY. SO pumped I can't even stand it :) but I know I have a lot to do before that day so I better get my butt in gear. ha.

So I work for my dad laying carpet as you know...but the problem with that is we can't work if we don't have any! this past week we only had 3 days of work and then this next week we got nothin so far! Man, it sucks cuz I'm not making as much money this summer as I thought I would be. I'm getting a few photography jobs here and there to keep me busy tho I guess. I took a family of 19's pics last tuesday and then a grad shoot today. That will make up for the lack of money from laying carpet for this week anyway.

I leave next friday for detroit. I'm pumped:) but I have to get all of my online homework completed before then because the classes end the next tuesday. It will such a relief to be done with all of that! talk about really being able to enjoy summer. not that I haven't, but I'll be able to not have to worry about it anyway. I'm glad I took both classes tho. Especially if i'm trying to graduate a year early...!!

But who knows about that. God is the one who does and until he tells me otherwise that's what I'm gonna stick with I guess.

Have I mentioned I'm ready to be back at school yet?