Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Back at it again.

So now being back at school for two days, I remember why I hate the beginning of the year. I hate walking down the hall of my dorm and not knowing like ANYONE. I hate walking into the caf and looking around and not recognizing like ANYONE. I know both of these will change eventually but I can't wait for these first few weeks to be done just so faces start to look familiar.

Being back has been really good in other ways though. Getting to see a lot of people that I really missed over the summer. Having people on the floor that I DO recognize and LOVE that they are still here. Getting to set up our room again and making it feel like home. So in the end, I guess the good out weighs the bad.

My only question is, why do maintenance guys think that it is ok to come onto our floor at 10:15 in the morning? Clearly, since there are no classes yet, there will be girls getting ready for the day. Jess and I happened to be one of the rooms that they were going to to retrieve extra bed pieces so just my luck, when I walked out of the bathroom in the shower...there were two guys at the end of the hall walking into my room. SWEET... NOT. Luckily a friend's room was close so I slipped in there for a bit..but SERIOUSLY. That is not ok. And it's an hour later and I just heard the two guys working next door and talking about their girl problems. STILL NOT OK.

Did our first run back at school this morning. HOT. Luckily it was only 4 miles. Not looking forward to 9 on saturday...or sunday..or whenever we do it. O well!

Mandatory CE retreat this weekend that I'm actually somewhat looking forward to. I keep seeing friends from CE on campus and we don't have enough time to catch up just then so I know a lot of that will happen this week.

I'm really excited for the semester. I know God has a lot in store for me and I just pray that I won't miss Him! And that I will be open to anything he has to teach me. Wow, that's scary. But still something I gotta pray for.

I'm hungry...off to the unfamiliar faces at the caf....