Thursday, February 22, 2007


I guess I've been slacking with this whole Blog thing. I haven't written in like 14 days or something like..2 weeks I guess. I haven't really had a chance to sit down during my open hour lately and just chill so I decided that this would be a good day to do just that.

Our last regular season basketball game in tomorrow night. I'm not gonna lie..usually at this point in the season I'm ready for it to be done. But this year is different for some reason. I'm going to be really sad when it's done and I'm liking more this year than any year yet. Which is a great thing for a senior year. Senior night was on tuesday and it was great. Probably the most fun I've had at a game in a long time. We broke the 80 pts in a game mark..that was one of our goals. So that was good. Tomorrow is parents night as well so we will probably be pretty pumped to win that one. Our first play off game is next Tuesday and hopefully it will be at home..the first time our girls team has had a home play off game in a long time. Should be fun.

My brother comes home soon. I dno't know the exact date..and I don't even know how much i'll get to see him..but I'm still excited. He's bringing a bunch of his friends up to stay at my aunt and uncles cabin for a week or something. Should be a good time for them and hopefully I'll be able to hang out with them some as well...if he lets me that is.

I leave for California in 22 days and counting...I honestly don't think time could go by fast enough...but I also realize that there is a lot of stuff going on between now and then that will make the time go by as fast as possible. Man, I can't wait. And a perk of finally going soemwhere warm over spring I'll come back tan. But I guarentee I won't stick outin our school when we come back the next week..since half the school will be just as tan as me...

1 comment:

markymark said...

we arrive on the 3rd (one week from saturday), and you better hang out with us, or i'll never come home again.