Monday, June 23, 2008

homework and credit cards

WHOA! I know..2 days in a row! Ha crazy stuff!
Well, just finished the majority of my homework..and it actually didn't take me all day! which is sweet. I just have a little bit left. I can't believe that I'm already half way done with my summer classes. which means we're more than 4 weeks into summer! SO weird.

So I played tennis and mowed the lawn today just like I thought I would.

But something exciting I did was apply for a credit card! I already have one but the credit limit is so limited that I can't start a good credit score with it at all. So I'm excited to get the new one. Not that I'm gonna go crazy spending on it. but I got to pic out the design on it and it should be sweet! Still waitin to hear back from them whether I'm approved or not so we'll see I guess. It'll be good tho.

Anybody watch the Mole? I got addicted the first week. I was addicted like the first season ever and then they took it off the air for like 3 years and now it's back! That's what I do on monday you can guess what I'll be doin in 2 hours. I haven't figured out who the mole is yet. The only two who seemed suspicious were kicked off last screw that idea. O well, I'm sure none of you guys even watch it so I'm probably talking with myself on this one.

Workin in Albertville tomorrow. For those of you who don't know where that is it is like an hour and 45 minutes away. It's probably the best shopping if you don't want to drive to the mall of America because it has a huge outlet mall. Seriously that's like all that is in the town. An outlet mall, a caribou coffee and a culvers. Then it's like corn fields. But either way I'm doing a tile job there tomorrow and wednesday..might even be spending the night there who knows.

Back to finishing up homework...


Deborah. said...

I really am not good at working this website haha. You intimidate me. I don't want to golf anymore because you sound really good just like you are at EVERYTHING ELSE. HOW DO I FREAKING ADD BLOGS AND STUFF TO MY FAVORITES LIST! I feel like I'm in pre school! My mom watches the Mole. I don't watch anything except Veggie Tales all day long. If the tv is on, the baby demands BOB. I know all the songs by heart. I wish she would let me watch E! once in awhile haha.

Abb_s said...

hahaha...don't be intimidated by me and my golf skills..or lack there of! for real..I just hit like my 4 good shots all round on one hole so it worked out nicely. but don't worrry, we WILL be going next summer when you come to visit:) can you just see the four of us golfing?! ha WOW what a sight:) Veggie tales is sweet...we can sing the songs together when we get back:)