Monday, September 29, 2008


So for some reason Jess and I decided to start waking up early on mondays, wednesdays and fridays to run. As much as I really despise when the alarm goes off, it is a great way to start the day. In Minnesota I would probably have to get pretty bundled up in the morning to run. A long sleeve shirt at least. But not in lovely California. By 6:15 it was at least 70. Good running weather anyway.

So let me preface this story by saying that it never rains here. Never. It rained I think twice all last school year and people FREAK OUT.

So this I was making my way around the track..which is a crappy place to run I know..I saw lightning and clouds of rain to the north. I thought it was pretty sweet and was starting to hope that it would move in our direction. Nothin like a good thunderstorm. As I was running around in circles aimlessly..literally..I realized that my wish wasn't going to come true.

Jess runs a mile more than I do so I usually spend my extra time walking around the track. But not today. I sat on a bench and watched the view which God had set before me. To my front right was an orangle group of clouds with random lightening and you could see the rain falling. To the left was the sun behind a group of clouds. Seeing the suns rays through the clouds is one of my favorite things and at that moment the rays were pointing directly onto the rain storm. Loved it. I turned on some worship music and decided to praise God for this gift he had given me this morning.

I put on the song indescribable by Chris Tomlin. It seemed fitting. Right as the line "who has told every lightening bolt where it should go" came I turned my head farther to my left..past the rays of sun and saw a lightening bolt at that exact moment. Wow. I realized that in that moment God was trying to show me something. Besides the amazing gift, he was telling me, Abby, I am more than that song you are listening to. I am legit. I am the real deal. I DO tell the lightning bolts where to go and I have set this sight before you right now.

I didn't want to forget this moment and that's why I'm sharing with you. Look for those gifts from God that we so often take for granted.

I was then thankful that the rain hadn't made it to us.

1 comment:

markymark said...

I totally thought the first sentence said, "So for some reason Jesus and I decided to start waking up early on mondays, wednesdays and fridays to run."

It didn't seem out of the ordinary, just funny once I realized what it actually said.