Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Gettin the ball rolling again

For some odd reason I have the desire to start this blog again. I have no idea why. Maybe because I've been checking my brothers lately and have been inspired? Either way, I'm starting it up again. We'll see how long this will continue but today is a new day, so I'll at least give it a shot. The weather in sunny california is not so sunny today and not gonna lie, I love it. Yesterday it was cloudy too. I think I'm going to start getting used to this which will set me up for disappointment in the long run. Just as I wrote that, the sun broke through the clouds. O well, still jeans and sweatshirt weather. My favorite. I'm not complaining.

So I feel like I can talk about this one here since no one will be reading this blog until at least I start telling people it's up again. But I get to go home tonight! And I'm surprising EVERYONE! well, pretty much everyone. But still. I'm SO incredibly excited. We'll see how it goes waking up my parents at 3 o clock in the morning to get into my house. But I'm still looking forward to it and the week ahead. Tomorrow night there's a football game which I've been waiting all fall. Then Thursday is the girls championship soccer game which I can't WAIT to go to . Wow it's gonna be a sweet time at home. It's weird that I've already been gone for liek 2 months. Doesn't feel like it at all. Time has flown.

Well, I'm gonna go check my mail. I don't want to be too ambitious with this my first day back writing.

Thursday, February 22, 2007


I guess I've been slacking with this whole Blog thing. I haven't written in like 14 days or something like..2 weeks I guess. I haven't really had a chance to sit down during my open hour lately and just chill so I decided that this would be a good day to do just that.

Our last regular season basketball game in tomorrow night. I'm not gonna lie..usually at this point in the season I'm ready for it to be done. But this year is different for some reason. I'm going to be really sad when it's done and I'm liking more this year than any year yet. Which is a great thing for a senior year. Senior night was on tuesday and it was great. Probably the most fun I've had at a game in a long time. We broke the 80 pts in a game mark..that was one of our goals. So that was good. Tomorrow is parents night as well so we will probably be pretty pumped to win that one. Our first play off game is next Tuesday and hopefully it will be at home..the first time our girls team has had a home play off game in a long time. Should be fun.

My brother comes home soon. I dno't know the exact date..and I don't even know how much i'll get to see him..but I'm still excited. He's bringing a bunch of his friends up to stay at my aunt and uncles cabin for a week or something. Should be a good time for them and hopefully I'll be able to hang out with them some as well...if he lets me that is.

I leave for California in 22 days and counting...I honestly don't think time could go by fast enough...but I also realize that there is a lot of stuff going on between now and then that will make the time go by as fast as possible. Man, I can't wait. And a perk of finally going soemwhere warm over spring break..is I'll come back tan. But I guarentee I won't stick outin our school when we come back the next week..since half the school will be just as tan as me...

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Cheap Lunch

I'm sad today because my open hour buddy, Megan Kummet, is no where to be seen. She wasn't in first hour either which probably means she 's gone today. I'll probably spend most of my hour on this computer looking at this and that. I just got back from Sport Boosters. The whole varsity basketball team went with Henny today to fill everyone in on our team for the year. For those of you who have never been to a sports boosters meeting..let me explain it to you. You come in and get your food..which is always iffy or not wheather you will be able to eat it..and then you sit down at a round table and you're surrounded by a bunch of men either in Business suites or brainerd warrior apparel. They introduce the athlete of the week and talk about how amazing he or she is..and then the next 45 minutes are taken up by a coach telling all about the team and their season. Let me tell you..too exciting for me. Ha. I would actually consider going if I was an older adult..but the cost of lunch is 7.50...and definitely not worth that. But since it was free for me I will relish in the fact that I got to go. Although today will be my 3rd and final sports boosters.. I might shed a tear.

I think that's all for now..Girls hockey play off game tonight. I hope they win..otherwise they're done.

Monday, February 5, 2007

A day to be remembered

Pretty sure I never thought I would say that I am thankful for the cold weather today. I woke up to my mom tell me that school was two hours late. Probably the greatest days of the year when that happens..even though it's about once in a blue moon. So I got an extra two hours of much needed sleep. I probably should have gotten up this morning and read Government, but I decided that hey, I get a chance to sleep in.. I'm going to take it. I got to school and found out we were watching a movie in my 3rd hour. I questioned at that point whether or not today was a day I should have actually gone to school. I decided to shake that thought off and continue on with my day. My schedule after that was lunch..and then band..which is band..open 5th..and next I have Geography..which I found out we are watching a movie in there too. So all in all my day has consisted of two movies, lunch and a trip to Caribou. I guess I'll have to be content with it.

I did inventory at Steve and Barry's on Saturday night. Although I don't work there anymore they called me up and asked if I would work just for the night. After getting there I realized that I do miss it..and by the end of the night I had been offered a job again. I'm thinking of taking it. I know I don't have all the time in the world..but it woudl be nice to have a source of income before I start my summer job. I neeed to take any opportunity for money that I can get since I will most likely be in debt the rest of my life. That's what I'm realizing anyway. The downside of going to a private college....

Well, I think I'm gonna go finish off my exciting day at good ol BHS...


Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Into a New World

So after many days of joining Megan Kummet in the library and searching through other peoples blogs I have decided to finally branch out into the 21st century and get one of my own. I haven't really figured out the point of these as of yet and I also wasn't planning on getting one until I went off to college. My brother has a blog and it's nice to know what's going on in his life by looking at it. But I've decided that since I don't have anything else to do..I'm starting today. My choice was to either do this..or to join the 5th hour AP STATS class. I usually wouldn't mind doing this..however, today we have a sub. No one really knows her name, but she is definitely not a favorite at Brainerd High School. Megan Kummet and Ashely Olson attempted to go and get Ashley's ipod out of her locker today so they would have some sort of entertainment..only to be stopped by the nameless substitute. Usually I would understand this..excpet that three other people in the class were already "jammin on an ipod"....Kummet would not be held back though..she attempted once again, but this time hid her excuse to go to her locker with saying she needed her other notebook. The sub wouldn't have it. She saw straight through her lies. Megan got to go, but was warned that if she came back with an ipod there would be severe consequences. She came back..and did indeed have the ipod..unbeknownst to the sub. The sub then continued to stare her and ashley down for the rest of the hour...given Kummet no chance to enjoy the music of High School Musical. What a shame.I should probably go work on that Stats that I didn't get done during 1st hour...but who knows..is 2 homework points really worth doing 4 pages of work? Tough choice..That's all for now...