Sunday, June 22, 2008

Let's try this again

So pretty sure I haven't written on here in..a year? I didn't even check. O well, I know it's been a LONG time. but a few of my friends have started theirs up and since we're not together over the summer, :( , I decided to join in on the fun.

So right now I should be working on homework. Seriously, work and homework are ruling my life a lot of the time right now. It sucks big time. But I still have my chance of fun here and there which is good. Tomorrow I've got the day off of work to write a paper for one of my online classes. It's gonna be an intense paper I think..which SUCKS. but all day to write it will be good. I'm playin tennis in the morning and mowing the lawn somewhere in there too ha.

My job for the summer is laying carpet with my dad. It sucks at times because I get exhausted, but I can't complain one bit. It's great pay, fun people to work with, I can get a day off whenever I need one, and I get to spend the summer with my dad. That's been sweet. My dad and I have never really been the closest. It's not like we've had a bad relationship or anything but this summer has been so fun so far hanging out with him. I'm SO thankful for the time that I'm getting with him. Sweet stuff:)

We went golfing today. I honestly haven't been golfing in probably 3 years? something like that. And it was suprisingly better than I thought it would be! we went to the driving range on friday to warm up and get ready and that was a BAD day. haha. but ya. my best hole of the day was the 8th..which was actually the third hole we played..long story ha. But Anyway we're coming up to the tee and my dad was like, I have NEVER parred this hole. it was a par 4 by the way. And guess what?! I got it in 4! haha. pretty sure the rest of the day wasn't the hottest but way better than I expected. So yah, that's gonna be like our weekly ritual if we don't have anything else going on. I'm pumped:) for the 8 weeks we have left anyway. Summer is a third over! AH! But that makes me excited too cuz I can't WAIT to go back to school! AHHH!!

Anyway..I AM going to do homework now.

Peace out.

1 comment:

.chelsea. said...

i'm here in blogworld! love you! keep writing, i'm reading :)